Business Contracts and Documents

Even after a business is up and running, contracts and other business documents will play an essential role in the day-to-day operations of any business. These documents help businesses avoid litigation and ensure the business runs smoothly.

Contract negotiations and drafting: The importance of business contracts


Negotiating and drafting business contracts requires a strong attention to detail and experience maintaining a delicate balance. Our team of business attorneys can help you navigate the ins-and-outs of all your business contracts including any special requirements, deadlines and/or terms that can be potentially harmful if not properly understood.

Negotiating and drafting business contracts require a strong attention to detail and experience “fine line/delicate balance). Our team of business attorneys can help you navigate the ins and outs of all your business contracts including any special requirements, deadlines or terms that can potentially be harmful if not properly understood.

Day-to-day operations


Once you have everything set up in your business, it will be time to run the day-to-day operations. Owners and managers will come across a vast array of contracts and other business documents during the life of the business. Common documents include:

•  Client Contracts
•  Vendor Contracts
•  Service Agreements
•  Equipment or Office Leases
•  Insurance Documents
•  Memorandums of Understanding
•  Terms of Use or Service
•  Privacy Policy
•  Purchase or Sale Agreements
•  Stock Purchase Agreement
•  Term Sheets

Operating agreements are a key document that outlines how a business will be run. These agreements govern all aspects of the way a business functions; including, division of ownership, management, liability, allocation of profits, and taxation. They help a business navigate situations such as growth, change in leadership and any developments in the company over time.

Are you looking to negotiate or draft business contracts?

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